ISO 41001 - Facility Management Consultants

This Facility Management (FM) standard will enable your organisation to create, implement and maintain a safe, comfortable and pleasant working environment where employees can thrive.

The benefits to your business include:

  • Improve communication and awareness on FM requirements

  • Maintain a standard approach to a range of FM services including catering, cleaning, property maintenance, security services, and more

  • Create a pleasant and effective work environment for all employees

  • Improve well-being, health and safety

  • Implement consistent facilities management across multiple sites

  • Minimise unnecessary costs by streamlining

If implementing ISO 41001 feels daunting, we can help.
Our experts will make it easy, efficient and value-led.

As well as ISO 41001, we can support you with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001 and more.